Clutch #28! Pied x Monarch

A year ago I put this male Monarch to one of my pied Mommas to make some double hets. And I produced a wild, weird pied. But Momma had already made some weird stuff and I wondered if it was either retained sperm or parthenogenesis. The Monarch male wasn’t supposed to be het Pied.

This year, the girl I used was a virgin, ready for a first clutch. She was only with the Monarch male. So this will make me double hets and with 7 eggs it should answer the question of the Monarch being het Pied or not.


Clutch #27. Odds Gods made up for that 15 egg clutch! 1 Shot at a Highway Pied

Yep, sometimes you get 15. Sometimes you get… 3 slugs, an infertile and a tiny boob egg with weak veins. But hope springs eternal! So I’ll incubate the boob! Look at mom in the pic, I was super happy because of that great big, awesome egg on top! Well, it was infertile, and there was a pile of slugs and the boob egg under it. Ahh well.


Clutch #26! Smaug! Het Pied by Whose Yo' Daddy' Pieds!

Well of course I have a snake named after Smaug! And She is HUGE! She was 2700 grams AFTER she laid 15 eggs! 12 years old! And yes!! 15 eggs!! Almost my personal record! I had to split them into two incubation bins. Poppa? Well, that’s a good question. She has been with a couple males, all Pieds. Maybe some Yellowbellly, Pastel, Gene-X babies? Orange Dream Pieds? Special Pieds? All of the above?!?!


Clutch # 22. Pied, possible Orange Dream, Possible het Axanthic x Orange Dream dh Pied Axanthic.

My theory is that Momma is an Orange Dream Pied het Axanthic. And being het Axanthic has browned out her oranges. I based that on her pattern and how orange she got when she was “glowing” with maternal hormones while brewing up the eggs. I’ll need to make an Axanthic and a Super Orange Dream to prove that out. 1 slug, 1 boob egg, and 5 awesome, healthy eggs! I put that Boob into the incubator but it has minimal veins. So it may not make it.


Clutch #19!! Pied x Het Pied!

Sometimes you just want pieds! Melvin, my original Pied and a het Pied Momma! Gotta love pieds! Also, super dry eggs. These were laid while I was at the Anaheim Reptile Super Show and probably were laid on Friday of that weekend. And that’s why they are so dry. Its still hot here in California so the AC in my building dries out the air. But all will be well. Plastic wrap on the incubation box will ensure full hydration of those eggs.


Clutch #16! Magnificent! Het Pied x Pieds (s) Plural.

Magnificent! Isn't she gorgeous! She is the Grandmother of the weird dark Pieds I’ve been making, and her blacks are JET black. No idea what she has going on but I decided to work on figuring it out. I had put a Yellowbelly, Pastel, Gene-X boy with her but than switched to my original Pied male Melvin. I’ll see what we get! 12 HUGE eggs! I had to split them into 2 different incubation tubs.


Clutch #13! Pied by either Calico, Yellowbelly, Pastel het Pied pos Gene-X or Stranger!

This big momma is named Found. When she was a baby she spent a loooooooooooonnnnnngggggg time running free in my house. Accidentally, not on purpose. I gave up all hope of finding her. Than- I FOUND her! In my wife’s bathroom. Really small, but totally healthy. She ate, she grew, and now she is a huge big-momma!

Poppa is either a Calico, Pastel, Yellowbelly, het Pied possible Gene-X. He is the 3rd pic.

Or Poppa might be a Stranger, Yellowbelly, Pastel, Leopard. The first couple of locks were the Calico. The last lock, at about 25-26mm follicular growth, was the Stranger.
